Tuesday, November 29, 2011


the stories we have about ourselves and others, everything we think, none of it is real. these are things that run through us but are not the ground of our being. our true nature is Christ, is Buddha, is Love.

we are ok as we are even though we don't believe it and everyone else is ok too, even though we don't like it. and all is changing and then changing more in response to those changes. and--

"VAST is the robe of liberation
a formless field of BENEFACTION
wearing the UNIVERSAL teaching
i realize the ONE true nature
thus harmonizing all BEING" ~appamada (emphasis/caps mine)

i like to get these concepts into one place, for easy reference and reminding. from today's inquiry.

and from today's (11.30.11) zen discussion group--the stories we have of ourselves aren't true, while the effect we have on others, that they share, is true.