Thursday, October 15, 2009

b4 ii

"sayings" referred to in the "crazy Truth" blog (12/12/09). most of these i made up. . .the list is longer than i remembered and that's with deleting quite a few. guess i get carried away sometimes. . . .

• the basic fabric of the universe is Love (ahimsa/harmlessness).*

• God (the Universe, the Creator, the Divine, the Source or whatever label you use) is beyond comprehension (omniscient, omnipresent) which includes beyond gender.

• everything is a miraculous creation of God. . .and God is part of everything. in our species, we are connected to the Divine through our hearts and subconscoius.

• the Creator (God, the Universe, etc.) loves us (is concerned about us), individually, which means that yes, God is into the details.

• when God/Higher Self/Soul wants to tell us something, s/he begins gently with whispers. if we don't hear, God continues to speak louder and louder until the signal becomes a heart attack or cancer or an unbalanced ecosystem. whatever it takes. it's not punishment, it's actually patience 'cause we have all the time in the world!* (if we dont get it this lifetime, there's always the next one.)

• breath is the ultimate metaphor of the universe.*

• everyone has access to the fulfillment of their heart's desire(s).

• all you can do is the best you can do. and your best is always good enough as long as you realize your best is always changing.*

• everything is ok with God all the time.* :)

• courage is not the absence of fear. it can be rage purified through the heart.*

• everything contains its opposite.* (everything/one is whole, containing the full range of possibilities, even those unexpressed.)

• the subtle rules that which has mass.* (in other words, matter is based on, structured subtle energies that can't be perceived by the usual 5 senses.)

• when another's "privacy" is a dysfunctional secret that hurts me, i get to go public with my experience (i'm not a victim).*

• what seems to work best is to focus on what you want and leave the rest be. (or as someone else put it more succinctly: what you resist, persists.)

• happiness is the best revenge! (or when "bad" things happen outside of your control, focus on what you can control, like taking good care of yourself and being of service to others which is a true joy.)

• our true nature is that we are infinite and immortal.

• if you can truly forgive yourself (by owning that you chose all the suffering you've experienced, then forgiving yourself for putting yourself through it), then we can free ourselves from the karmic loop.* (which is the point i believe jesus was trying to teach and why i'm christian.)

• sometimes things get worse before they get better.* (for instance, when i'm organizing something, usually the mess gets worse before it improves. this also applies to personal and sociological changes, imo).

• there are very few constants in the universe.* (change/entropy/chaos and Love are two i know of.)

• 3 Ms: metaphor, mirror and mystery. metaphor is an amazing teacher and everything in your world is ultimately, a mirror. mystery is important to honor, to allow, as all things are borne of the void (no thing).*

• an artist's aesthetic is visible as their physical body and their work.*

• each individual is their own ultimate authority.*

• while the golden rule (do unto others as you would have them do unto you) is a great place to start, it is important to remember that we don't all want to be treated the same way. so it's valueable to check in with the other to discover their preference.

• the combination of Truth & Love is irresistable.* (oh wait, i already said that.) the Truth without Love is too cold & heartless/dehumanizing, Love without Truth can be smothering. . .and well, it can kill you.

• there is more Truth present when opposing viewpoints are shared (without reconciliation).*

• suffering is unnecessary.*

• we are given a heart to let it break. it actually hurts worse to try to hold it together and avoid heartbreak. the more you allow it to shatter, the more Truth radiates.*

• we do what we need to learn.* (often there is something in our profession that we need to learn: caregivers need to learn to care for themselves, writers need to learn to communicate, educators need to learn how to, lol, learn, etc.)

• people are people are people.* (there are common experiences we all share regardless of race, gender, age, economic status, belief system, education, sexual preference or anything else.)

• anytime there are more than two people gathered, there are politics. we are political beings.*

• the point seems to be to make connections and let your light shine.* (matt 13:33)

• there is as much infinity inside our skin as there is outside of it.*

• being is enough.

• the heart is the seat of true wisdom.

• God wants us to experience pleasure and to have Faith in ourselves.*

• work can be very therapeutic.*

• valuing compassion keeps you honest.* (another one of those Love + Truth thangs.)

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